SEV缩写的意思-Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)


  • 【英文缩写】: SEV
  • 【英文全称】: Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)
  • 【中文解释】: Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: SEV 相关英文缩写
以上为Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)英文缩略词SEV的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SEV Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology) Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)
SEV Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen Vereins (Switzerland) Schweizerischen Elektrotechnishen Vereins(瑞士)
SEV Sylvania Electronic Village (Sylvania, Ohio) 西尔瓦尼亚电子村(俄亥俄州西尔瓦尼亚)
SEV Stockpile Emergency Verification 库存应急验证
SEV Stockpile Emergency Validation 库存应急验证
SEV Sylvania Electronic Village 西尔瓦尼亚电子村
SEV Special Equipment Vehicle 特种设备车辆
SEV Seven Seas Petroleum, Inc. 七海石油公司。
SEV Surface Effect Vehicle 表面效应载体
SEV Solar Electric Vehicle 太阳能电动汽车
上表最多展示SEV的10条常用含义,点击 SEV 查看更多。


  • SEV Sociedad Española de VexilologÍa (Spanish: Society of Vexillology)
  • RDI 'Information网格d(无线电加拿大的法语新闻社)
  • LIDS 劳合社保险数据系统(劳合社保费系统的伦敦)
  • KKK Korduvalt KÜsitud KÜsimused (Estonian: Frequently Asked Questions)
  • ESRA EncyclopÉdie du Savoir Relatif et Absolu (Bernar Werber's novels)
  • CNE ComisiÓn Nacional de EnergÍa (Spanish: National Energy Commission)
  • CNS Centre National de SÉquençage (French: National Sequencing Center)
  • CQFD Ce Qu'il Fallait DÉmontrer (French: which was to be demonstrated)
  • BIA BaccalaurÉat en Informatique AppliquÉe (Bachelor in Data Sciences)
  • ABAC AssociaciÓ de Buscadors AurÍfers de Catalunya (Catalonian, Spain)
  • AQA AsociaciÓn QuÍmica Argentina (Spanish: Argentine Chemical Society)
  • SKF Svenska KonstÅkningsförbundet ( Swedish Figure Skating Association)
  • PGI Progiciel de Gestion IntÉgrÉ (French: Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • PEER 医生的评估和教育评论在急诊医学
  • ICP Infrastructure À clÉs Publiques (French: public key infrastructure)